Graham Matheson

Graham holds a Bachelor of Science in Applied Biology from the University of British Columbia and is currently pursuing a Master of Science in Freshwater Fisheries Ecology at Lakehead. The self-proclaimed sturgeon general, Graham is a passionate advocate for sturgeon and their conservation. During his undergraduate degree, Graham assisted with an investigation into the thermal tolerance of young-of-year white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) from the critically imperilled Nechako River population.
At Lakehead, Graham is investigating the lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) population at Whitewater Lake, a remote lake in northwestern Ontario nested within Wabakimi Provincial Park, the second-largest protected area in Ontario. His research will be assessing the age class structure and trophic ecology of this population, its genetic relatedness to nearby populations, and potential impacts to this population from historical water resource development and climate change

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