A new start through COVID

Long time, no post but wanted to put some big kudos out to the lab for successfully navigating field work this past year, and to welcome several new students to the lab; Ben Wood, Wyatt Beach, Kelvi Toskovich, Tristan Morrison and Adam Poulin (click on their names to learn more about their research). Also, congrats to Cody Veneruzzo for transferring to a PhD in Environmental Biotechnology this year! Cody was among several students (including Haley MacLeod, Amber Fedus and Alex Ross) to complete their field work at the ELA this summer and fall with the assistance and talents of Wade Dombroskie. Ryan Grow managed to work with several research partners to deploy our stationary hydroacoustics at several sites around Lake Superior; Mark Schutte sampled the heck out of headwater Lake Superior tributaries and Danielle Gartshore and Ben Wood initiated our first summer of field research in Quetico Park. What a great field season despite all the challenges, and can’t wait to see what next year brings!

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