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  3. 64. Characterizing the flow regime in Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) incubation habitats and implications for management in a hydro-regulated river

64. Characterizing the flow regime in Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) incubation habitats and implications for management in a hydro-regulated river

Stephen Slongo Michael D. Rennie

Slongo, S, McLaren, B., Siddiqui, S., Tyhuis, R. Gibson, D. and Rennie, M.D. 2022. Characterizing the flow regime in Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) incubation habitats and implications for management in a hydro-regulated river. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 42(5): 1097–1110. DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10801 'download pdf' button

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