invasive species
29. Apparent extirpation of prey fish communities in lakes following northern pike (Esox lucius) introduction
Michael D. Rennie Michele Nicholson
Nicholson, M.E., Rennie, M.D. and Mills, K.H. 2015. Canadian Field Naturalist, 129(2): 165– 173.
24. Context-dependent changes in lake whitefish populations associated with dreissenid invasion (book chapter)
Michael D. Rennie
Rennie, M.D. 2013. In: Quagga and Zebra Mussels: Biology, Impacts, and Control. 2nd Edition. Tom Nalepa and Don Schosser, Editors. CRC press. pp. 661– 680.
13. Bythotrephes invasion elevates trophic position of zooplankton and fish: implications for contaminant biomagnification
Michael D. Rennie
Rennie, M.D., Strecker, A.L. and Palmer, M. 2011. Biological Invasions 13: 2621–2634. doi: 10.1007/s10530-011-0081-0
10. Changes in fish condition and mercury vary by region, not Bythotrephes invasion: A result of climate change?
Michael D. Rennie
Rennie, M.D., Sprules, W.G., Vaillancourt, A. 2010. Ecography, 33: 471–482. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0587.2009.06160.x