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23. Increased dependence on nearshore benthic resources in the Lake Simcoe ecosystem after dreissenid invasion
Michael D. Rennie
Rennie, M.D. Evans D.O. and Young, J.D. 2013. Inland Waters 3: 297–310. doi: 10.5268/IW-3.2.540
19. Effects of formalin preservation on freshwater benthic invertebrate isotopic values over decadal time scales
Michael D. Rennie
Rennie, M.D., Ozersky, T. and Evans, D.O. 2012. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 90: 1320–1327. doi: 10.1139/z2012-101
17. Interpreting stable isotope patterns with depth: a comment on Riley et al. (2011)
Michael D. Rennie
Rennie, M.D. 2012. Journal of Great Lakes Research 38: 580–581. doi:10.1016/j.jglr.2012.06.003
7. Resource switching in fish following a major food web disruption
Michael D. Rennie
Rennie, M.D., Sprules, W.G. and Johnson, T. 2009. Oecologia, 159: 789–802. doi: 10.1007/s00442-008-1271-z